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The Surprising Benefits of a Plant-Based Cotton Yoga Mat

When it comes to choosing the perfect yoga mat, many people want to ensure that they are being as environmentally friendly as possible. Thankfully, there are many types of mats on the market that are derived from sustainable materials, such as plants and natural rubber trees, rather than synthetic products that are harmful to the planet and to those who work in factories where they’re produced. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the benefits of using a plant-based yoga mat over a traditional one. You may be surprised at how much safer and better your body will feel after making this switch! […]

Plant-dyed cotton Yoga Mats Are Eco Friendly

When you’re getting ready for your yoga class, it might not be the first thing that comes to mind that your mat could be harmful to our environment. Ecofriendly is one of many reasons why so many yogis are switching over to plant-dyed cotton yoga mats. The naturally dyed ecofriendly fibers take are much longer than synthetics like, polyester and PVC and are made from non–genetically modified plants.

Herbs infused Natural cotton Yoga Mats are Non Toxic

Natural cotton yoga mats can offer numerous benefits to users. First, they are much safer for your body than PVC yoga mats. Plant-based cotton is considered one of the best and safest plant materials in manufacturing for you and those around you. The rubber used in natural yoga mats does not contain any phthalates, making it non toxic for people with hypersensitivity or allergies.

Plant-Based cotton Yoga Mats Don’t Stink Like Rubber

Traditional rubber mats begin to smell due to contact with sweat. The friction from your hands, feet, and body weight cause bacteria and yeast in your sweat to grow. These microorganisms excrete an unpleasant odor when they interact with oxygen. A plant-based yoga mat is made out of natural material that breathes better than synthetic materials like rubber and doesn’t stink after repeated use!

Herbs infused cotton Yoga Mats Smell Natural

Some people avoid cotton mats, worried that they’ll smell stale. But what these same people don’t realize is that chemical dyes and fragrances mask any natural scent, causing you to perceive them as stinkier than they actually are. Instead, opt for a yoga mat made from herbs and natural fibers that will breathe and air out without strong scents.

A Variety of Colors And Patterns To Choose From

One big drawback to owning a plastic yoga mat is that they come in very few colors. A lot of people are pretty particular about their yoga mats, and if you’re one of those people, having fewer options to choose from may be frustrating. When you have plant-based cotton yoga mats on your radar, however, there’s no shortage of color options available! Choose from a variety of different colors and patterns so you can find something that fits your taste perfectly.

Many sizes available to choose from

The first thing you’ll want to do is decide what size yoga mat you need. In general, larger mats accommodate more space on your mat, but are heavier and thicker to carry around than smaller mats. The standard size for most mats is 74 inches by 24 inches. If you’re shorter than 5’6 or taller than 6’2, your best bet is to go with a longer or wider version (respectively) of your preferred length.

Longer lasting than regular mats

Plant based cotton mats are created with natural materials, meaning they will last longer than your typical yoga mat. On average, plant based cotton mats are 6 times more durable than traditional synthetic mats, so you don’t have to worry about replacing them as often. If you only purchase one yoga mat in your lifetime, it should be plant based.

We MOHA IMPEX have a facility of making herbs infused cotton yoga mats.



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